Jason Knox...

- ... performed as the Nutcracker Prince in a ballet company's production
- ... has a Myers Briggs Temperment Type of INTP
- ... grew up playing soccer and his father coached his team
- ... served as the captain of the Boys Varsity Tennis team, yet only played on JV (his leadership was better than his tennis skills)
- ... earns $10 monthly for contributing to an online discussion board giving feedback to PepsiCo about their products and marketing
- ... rides a unicycle
- ... enjoys thinking critically about Disney movies (...for example)
- ... carries a croquette set in the trunk of his car at all times
During my first year at seminary I worked part time cleaning the bathrooms on campus. One of the bathrooms wasn't used daily so I started to fold over the top of the roll to use as a means of knowing if it had been used. Over time I ended up making the fold more and more elaborate. I enjoyed that job so much and so greatly benefited from the experience that I never expected to leave it for the length of my seminary education. When I got the job as the Youth Intern at a church I made this video as a memorial to help me remember. Unexpectedly, this video has gotten over 41,000 views on YouTube which is something I am probably more proud of than I ought to be.