Hello! Let's get to know each other!![]() Pineapples are a thing that literally grows out of the dirt. Yet they are not only delicious to eat they are also great home decorations! If God has made a world in which pineapples exist, in which fish on the bottom of the ocean can actually glow bright colors, and maybe sometime in your life you might extend hospitality to real angels then this must be a more magical world than we normally give it credit for.
I want to always be enchanted by this world, knowing that doing so requires effort that I do not always rise to. This is why I love Christ's church - people who will gather around me as we help one another open our eyes to the glorious story which God is telling and what parts we get to play in it. The church helps us identify the ugly things in this world too, helps us mourn them, and helps us believe by faith that God makes life from death. I want to serve such a church for all of my life. Our emerging generations are asking three big questions: Who am I? Do I matter? Where do I belong? When the church can show that God is central to all of those answers it is a beautiful thing that I delight in being a part of. |
Jason Knox (610) 955-5438 [email protected] Youth Pastor (Ordained TE) Boatswain Bay PCA, Grand Cayman 2015 Master of Divinity Covenant Theological Seminary May, 2013 Certificate Global Youth and Family Institute Youth Intern Concord Presbyterian Church 2010 - 2013 Campus Ministry Intern DiscipleMakers 2009 Bachelor of Arts (Theater Design and Religion Studies) Muhlenberg College May, 2009 |